Premiere 23. Okt. 2020, Theater Aachen (live and online)
Concept and direction Dominik Breuer
Concept and dramaturgy Inge Zeppenfeld
Stage and costume Franziska Smolarek
Video David Gerards
With Marion Bordat, Petya Alabozova, Benedikt Voellmy, Ognjen Koldzic, Tim Knapper
Co-production Theater Aachen, Landeszentrale für politische Bildung NRW, Städteregion Aachen, Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen
Funding Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, Fonds Soziokultur, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste
*'Lokal' in the German title means both 'local' and 'pub'
Free public transport? Fair world trade at low tide in your own wallet? Energy turnaround? Different cultures in the neighbourhood, different cultures in Europe? Equally harsh penalties for the Hartz IV fraudster as for the tax offences of major international corporations? And what does all this actually have to do with African chickens?
Whatever the decisions are, they will have immediate, real consequences, even beyond the evening.
Together with the audience, the Brachland-Ensemble sets out on its journey - the results of the decisions made are thought one step further by the actors regarding the expected consequences: How does the "political opponent" react? Which hurdles have to be overcome in terms of industrial lobby, bureaucracy and international legislation? How do you win a majority for your ideas? And what if thinking outside the box ends at the garden fence?